Monday 22 April 2013

Update from previous post.
In January I posted a sketch of a 'diesel punk' style aircraft and I've been meaning to model it up in 3D and finalise the design a bit more.
I might also do some airborne/flying visuals if I get round to it.

Sketchup / Podium / Photoshop


  1. cool model. i did a recent vehicle using sketch up and a render plugin called maxwell which i like.

    I wonder if it would look interesting if, as it took off, the rear section/rudders(?) rotated 90degrees and formed rear wings in flight mode. just an idea.
    Are the wings fixed at the front?

  2. Lovely. Based on what we see here, I'd love to see your take of the "Aerium" powered Ketty Jay from Chris Wooding's series of pseudo dieselpunk fantasy novels.
