Wednesday 16 January 2013

Spacecraft sketch
Digital sketching and marker style sketch, photoshop
It's amazing how old, traditional methods are still relevant via digital technology, this is exactly how I used to worked when I was in school, with pens and markers. (also, if your school teachers ever told you that you can't get a job drawing spaceships for a living, they didn't know what they were talking about)


  1. Like it! Marker and pen is a great method. I still attempt to fill one page a day (failing at the moment) of marker doodles/sketches. Keeps the fundamental skills fresh and builds a library of sketches ready for use in digital painting etc.

    How long would you say from sketch to render did the process take? 2-4 hours?

  2. spot on Mark! about 2hours 30mins, drawing on a cintiq is great fun. Back in the day, with traditional, media it would be more like a morning or days work

  3. I find the Cintiq to be great for drawing although I have the smaller 12inch model so it's like a sketch pad and painting is still more natural on an intuos. Do you have the larger 21 cintiq

  4. Sorry for the late response Mark, I now use the 24" HD cintiq, I only got it last may so I'm still pretty new to them (as opposed to a normal wacom).
    Never going back!
